Hello wonderful friends! I hope your weekend has been amazing! I have been "iced" into my house since Thursday night. We have braved the roads once due to cabin fever and won'e be doing that again! School was cancelled on Friday and more than likely tomorrow as well. The temperatures are not going up and the ice ain't going no where!
For me, I absolutely love it! I can stay in my pajama's for days and make amazing products all day long! My husband on the other hand, not so much. Poor guy just can't sit still for very long.
Anyways, on to the point of my post!
That is right! My firstie friends and I are having ANOTHER freebie hop! If you participated in our Fall Freebie hop, you know it was amazing! This one has even more freebies!
Take a peek at my freebie. The kids search for words in the picture, circle them, read them, and write them down. This freebie includes Fry's 100 words. 4 pages are included with 1 list on each page (25 words). You're kids will love this!
And if you have missed out on some great holiday freebies, check these out! They can be downloaded from TpT right now! You don't have to wait!
To begin your facebook hop, you can start at my facebook page
{here}. Have fun hopping and scooping up some amazing freebies!