Wednesday, January 18, 2012

report cards

We have been assessing like crazy at my school because report cards go home tomorrow. I love report card time because it really gets me back into tune individually with each of my kids, but at my school we do checklists (check if they've mastered the concept and asterisk if they are still developing it) and these checklists can be really tedious. So hooray for me. They are done and I'm going out for Mexican dinner tonight to celebrate. Here is a parent's report card I send home with every report card so that the parents can be making sure they are doing what they can to help their child succeed!!

And here is a fun freebie! We are working on reviewing for a math test next week and I wanted to review shapes in centers next week. Enjoy!


  1. Thanks for postitve reminder of reportcard time, I really needed to hear that. I am in the middle of mine right now.

    Queen with Class

  2. Love the parent report card! And your game freebie is so cute! My kids will LOVE it! Thanks for sharing!

    Rowdy in First Grade

  3. Adorable *freebie*! Thank you so much! I hope you are feeling better! I would love for you to come visit me when you get the chance!

    Heather's Heart


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